Changing Timezone through Update meeting API is not working properly - Recurring meeting

I created a recurring meeting today at 8 AM Kolkata time and then updated it to 8 AM Vancouver Time… Create meeting successfully created the meeting at 8 AM Kolkata which is correct, when I give the update to change the meeting to 8 AM Vancouver, It does not do that and changes the time of meeting according to timezone selected first. This is the case with any timezone change, It does not change that properly…

Please see my attached data below.

Request 1 to set timezone to Asia/Kolkata:

{"topic":"Occurrence edit","agenda":"","type":8,"start_time":"2020-08-25T08:00:00","timezone":"Asia\/Kolkata","password":"","duration":30,"recurrence":{"type":1,"end_date_time":"2020-08-31T08:05:27Z","repeat_interval":1},"settings":{"join_before_host":false,"host_video":false,"participant_video":false,"mute_upon_entry":false,"approval_type":2,"meeting_authentication":false,"waiting_room":false,"auto_recording":"none","registration_type":1,"alternative_hosts":""}}

Request 2 to update timezone to America/Vancouver:

{"topic":"Occurrence edit","agenda":"","type":8,"start_time":"2020-08-25T08:00:00","timezone":"America\/Vancouver","password":"","duration":30,"recurrence":{"type":1,"end_date_time":"2020-08-31T20:35:27Z","repeat_interval":1},"settings":{"join_before_host":false,"host_video":false,"participant_video":false,"mute_upon_entry":false,"approval_type":2,"meeting_authentication":false,"waiting_room":false,"auto_recording":"none","registration_type":1,"alternative_hosts":""}}

The same thing happens in your Zoom Dashboard as well. See the video:

Timezone and date time issue when saving recurring meeting.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

Hey @michael5

Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checkout this related thread that may have the answer you are looking for:

If this thread did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.


Hey that does not help at all.

Hey @michael5,

Thanks for letting us know. I have notified our engineers and will provide you with an update once we know what the issue is. (ZOOM-191043)


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Hey @michael5,

This is currently slated to be fixed in November.


Hey @tommy
I would like to ask you if the fix for the current issue ZOOM-191043 has been prepared and applied?
As I’m still experiencing the same issue.

Please let me know, and ETA for for fix if available.
Thanks in advance

Hi @oleh.demianiuk,

This issue should have been addressed already.

Can you please start a new thread with details/examples for the issue you’re seeing? We will be happy to take a closer look.
