Click Dimensions API failing since ~ May 3, 2024

We are unable to update D365 with zoom webinar details using the API and that adversely affects our ability to follow up and do business with them.

We have verified the connections are in place and correct and worked with the Click Dimensions team to isolate the issue and identify it is on the Zoom side.

the error reads:

The web request was not success. URL: ://.****./v2/report/webinars//Mce________________hTg==/participants/?page_size=300&include_fields=registrant_id. Status code: NotFound. Reason: Not Found. Body: {“code”:3001,“message”:“Meeting does not exist: Mce________________hTg==.”}

we believe the issue may lie in the double slash in the URL after ‘webinars’ however we are unable to validate this.