Were attempting to write some automation around our users cloud repocording usage. The web ui shows the individual users data usage as well as the overall usage for our account. The API only lists overall usage. Is there a better method to viewing all users or all recordings to get individual user usage programmatically.
End goal is to automate an email to the users with old or large recordings asking them to set auto deletion policies or to manually cleanup the environment.
Im not sure if im missing something or if this isnt an available feature. I am trying to avoid passing a for each loop into the api for every user account
That works great if i write a bunch of code to run through every user. Is there a method to pull all users current usage. {accountId} requires me to pass every single user, which means i need to pull every user into an array. Im happy to do that, but I just want to make sure there isnt a simpler method.
Sorry for the confusion, accountId is different than userId.
Passing in 1 accountID includes all the users on the account, so you don’t have to pass in multiple user IDs. You can find the accountID by JWT Decoding an access_token.
The cloud recording API only give me total recording space usage and not user breakdown. Theres no option to pull in the details child object. Ill give that a try
No, thats where i started. I dont get any user data out of that, just overall usage. Via the web ui i can click the overall usage and get a detailed breakdown of each users usage. The API only gives me the overall usage and no ability to breakdown by user.