Co-host cannot see breakout rooms control pt2

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Following up on Co-host cannot see breakout rooms control because that thread is locked so cannot reply there.

I have tried on the latest MSDK version 2.16.0 and the issue is unfortunately still there. I’m posting a video below reproducing it.

Thank you again for checking this out!

Thank you @dnna ,

I will message you for the following: client id/SDK key, developer email and meeting id for for this instance.

Hi @dnna , opened for further review (ZSEE-107310)!

Thank you @gianni.zoom ! To follow up I have reproduced this with a very simple/trimmed-down version using the official SDK sample GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-web-sample: Zoom Meeting SDK web sample . I have DMed a new loom video demonstrating the bug there and the exact steps to replicate from scratch.

Thanks again for looking into this, looking forward to having this one resolved, it is one of our biggest pain points :slight_smile:

Thanks so much @dnna ! This is being looked into by our engineering team (ZSEE-107310).

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