Component view css problem

I’m going to set the component to width:1340 * height:620.
If the width is lower than 1100, height is applied
But if you give width over 1100, height doesn’t apply.
Is there a ratio that can be set?

		debug: true,
		zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement,
		language: 'ko-KO',
		customize: {
	      video: {
	          isResizable: true,
	          viewSizes: {
	              default: {
                      width: meetWidth,
                      height: meetHeight
	              ribbon: {
                      width: meetWidth,
                      height: meetHeight


  1. Set to 700 * 620 => 704 * 700

2. Set to 1100 * 620 => 1104 * 700

3. Set to 1200 * 620 => 1204 * 755

Device (please complete the following information):

  • OS: windows64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser Version 100.0.4896.88

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


Thank you for posting in the Developer Forum. Yes, in some cases the video container will resize. More details on this behavior can be found in our help documentation:


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