Contact and chat APIs not working since Monday 13 May 2024

curl --location ‘’ --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ --header ‘Authorization: Bearer api_key’

Expected: list of contacts
Received a single contact with the user itself and other contacts not being fetched despite being displayed/present on zoom app.
body{“message”:“hi”, “to_contact”:“emailid”}
Returns user blocked error despite that not being the case
“code”:5421,“message”:“Can not send message to a blocked contact.”

Hello Team,
Could you please help me resolve this issue?
I am still unable to use any of the APIs.

We have started encountering this issue over the weekend as well (May 19).

error 5421

Sending to a channel is still working, just to specific users

Hello Team,
Could you please let us know if this is a bug with the user account or the application? And if there any methods to troubleshoot the same?

Best Regards

Hello Team,
I am still facing the same issue. Could you please confirm if this issue is due to the account or is it related to any recent changes in the apis/oauth application?
@webb.deneys could you please let me know if you managed to find a solution?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Best Regards

Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and address the issues:

  1. Double-Check API Endpoint and Authentication:
  • Verify that the api_key is valid and has the necessary permissions.
  1. Verify User Permissions:
  • Make sure that the user you are querying has permission to access contacts.
  • Check if there are any settings or restrictions on the Zoom account that might prevent fetching contacts.
  1. Check for API Changes:
  • Sometimes APIs undergo updates that can change how they behave. Review the latest Zoom API documentation for any recent changes or deprecations.

For the Messages API:

  1. Error Code 5421 - Blocked Contact:
  • This error indicates that the user you are trying to send a message to is marked as blocked. Double-check the contact list and settings to confirm that the recipient is not blocked.
  • If the recipient is not blocked, this might be an issue with the API or a misinterpretation of the contact status.
  1. Testing with Different Contacts:
  • Try sending messages to different contacts to see if the issue is specific to certain contacts or if it is a general problem.
  1. Reviewing Account and App Settings:
  • Make sure that your app and account settings on Zoom are correctly configured to allow sending messages. This is picked from reminiapkking

Hi! I have created a different app to test the same and I am still unable to access the contacts or send messages via the messages api
For example:
sending by userID works:

But using the email returns user does not exist for some users: