Controlling call queue availability

I want the ability to control a user’s availability for call queue calling remotely — in effect, to toggle the “receive call queues” setting (as it appears in the Zoom client and web profile) — in response to third-party triggers. In this case, the third party trigger will be our calendar application. When users are in a meeting, they should automatically be unavailable for call queue ringing.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Whatever works.

Which Endpoint/s?
I can’t find any published endpoints for this, but clearly endpoints do exist because the web application (as well as the Zoom client) can alter the setting.

I have successfully written Javascript code that calls the hidden API endpoint and toggles this setting via /api/v2/pbx/account/${account}/user/${user}/call-queue/status. The problem is that it requires a JWT retrieved from, and while I can make this work by driving pitons into's browser page, I can’t call it from my own application. I’m developing POC now and have hit a wall in moving it out of the context.

For the long term this probably belongs in a browser extension. Happily, I have one already deployed to my users which I can add all this function into.

I would like to be able to authenticate the user either using OAuth or an existing site login (which is basically what getToken leverages), then use the resulting JWT to make the API calls for queue availability. But I can’t find any OAuth-compatible API call for this setting, or any way to poke getToken from outside of zoom without injecting javascript into and loading it into a private window, or something dodgy like that. I would prefer not to do this dodgily.

If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate them. Even better, maybe Zoom plans to support this directly. That would be welcome.

So I gather this is really not possible today?

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