Could smb provide a working example, because i can't even display the video following the instruction

i can’t find app example, mentioned in docs, if somebody knows where to find it, please share the link.
And my second problem is i can’t display video, or get MySelf data.
After await zoom.joinSession(joinSession) i got

Join Session successfully

but if i try to execute zoom.videoHelper.startVideo()

W/System.err(22860): java.lang.Exception: No Video Helper Found
W/System.err(22860): at com.flutterzoom.videosdk.FlutterZoomVideoSdkVideoHelper.getVideoHelper(

when i try to exec zoom.session.getMySelf().then(_getMySelf); after join →

W/System.err(22860): java.lang.Exception: No Session Found

so basically i stuck

and if i execute zoom.initSdk(initConfig); before await zoom.joinSession(joinSession); ==> String response = await zoom.getSdkVersion(); works perfectly and returns version (1.7.0 (12917)
). BUT await zoom.joinSession(joinSession) terminating app with the message

D/ZoomVideoSdkDebug(10903): onError, error: ZoomVideoSDKError_JoinSession_Token_NoSessionName

D/AndroidRuntime(10903): Shutting down VM

E/AndroidRuntime(10903): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

E/AndroidRuntime(10903): Process:, PID: 10903

E/AndroidRuntime(10903): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method ‘void io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel$EventSink.success(java.lang.Object)’ on a null object reference


The session name was provided

joinSession = JoinSessionConfig(
sessionName: sessionName, <== and its not null
token: “JWT $token”,
userName: userName,
audioOptions: {
“connect”: true,
“mute”: true,
videoOptions: {
“localVideoOn”: true,
sessionIdleTimeoutMins: 15,

sorry, with the session name was our backend falt, he forgot tpc key.

but sill weird behavior with the message “Join Session successfully” when i put garbage in parameters JoinSessionConfig and app terminates on any errors.