Crash app when try enter meeting

Previously, our application worked perfectly with the Zoom integration, since a week ago when we tried to enter the meeting, we were closed just trying to connect.

We have updated the packages

@ionic-native/zoom”: “^5.26.0”,
“cordova.plugin.zoom”: “^4.6.2166-6.512”,

To the latest versions but the same thing continues to happen, nothing has been touched on the original code that worked.

The android logcat on zoom when we launch the meeting is the next:

06-03 17:27:52.512 15906 22555 I MeetingServiceImpl: joinMeetingWithParams: sUri=zoomus://
06-03 17:27:52.524 1705 3816 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=zoomus:// flg=0x10000000 cmp=es.fitcloud.onair/com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity} from uid 10425
06-03 17:27:52.670 15906 22555 I MeetingServiceImpl: joinMeetingWithParams: sUri=zoomus://
06-03 17:27:52.681 1705 3816 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=zoomus:// flg=0x10000000 cmp=es.fitcloud.onair/com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity} from uid 10425
06-03 17:27:54.219 2219 2219 D NotificationListener: onNotificationPosted: StatusBarNotification(pkg=es.fitcloud.onair user=UserHandle{0} id=4 tag=null key=0|es.fitcloud.onair|4|null|10425: Notification(channel=zoom_notification_channel_id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0xa color=0xff9e9e9e vis=PRIVATE))
06-03 17:27:56.314 2219 2219 D NotificationListener: onNotificationRemoved: StatusBarNotification(pkg=es.fitcloud.onair user=UserHandle{0} id=4 tag=null key=0|es.fitcloud.onair|4|null|10425: Notification(channel=zoom_notification_channel_id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0xa color=0xff9e9e9e vis=PRIVATE)) reason: 8

I compile the code for android.

A greeting.

I update now to:

“cordova.plugin.zoom”: “^4.6.21666.0603”,

you lunch two hours ago

But have the same problem.


Hi @fitcloud,

Thanks for the post and the follow up. The 0603 only fixes an issue for iOS. Regarding the issue you are facing, could you provide the following info:

  1. The code snippet you are using to join a meeting?
  2. Is this reproducible with our demo app? If so, could you provide the steps to reproduce this?
  3. Are you getting any errors or exceptions? The logcat info you are providing does not reveal the errors.
