Custom Reactions

Hey @jrioux,

Difference being reactions are in Zoom Chat or during meetings.

Glad you were able to add them @evat :slight_smile:


hey I would like it if you guys could add more reactions for zoom that would be nice thank

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Thanks @jfullerscouts,

This is something we are working on! :slight_smile:


ok thanks guys hope your team is doing well and are safe.

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Thanks @jfullerscouts, you too! :slight_smile:


I am confused. Based on replies, it looks like this is implemented to add more than the wave and thumbs up. But I canā€™t find any info on HOW TO ADD options. We do LEGO fan shows and want to have some minifigure heads for reactions :slight_smile:


Hey @Brickworld,

Thatā€™s super cool! Custom reactions are not supported yet, but we are working on them!

Please see the support docs above for info about built in reactions.


Thanks! I was reading this thread and it seemed like people were showing examples of custom reactions. It will be fun when you get it done!


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I am looking forward to it as well! :slight_smile:


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Can I get an amen?! (really, I want an Amen reaction)

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Microsoft Teams has added a hand raise feature so that all participants can see who has hands up without opening the control panel. Zoom needs that function. Even if Zoom was just to add atleast one more Reaction that allows you to demonstrate that you have your hand up and to allow leaving it up longer than 5 seconds that would be something. Thanks!!!

We have a 9 member meeting each Monday and no one is watching the panel everyone is looking at the other video screens. If the hand raise icon came up on our video box that would be very helpful!

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I agree, I think it would be a good idea to ā€œmergeā€ Reactions and Non-verbal feedback features to make them customizable, accessible from the Meetings Controls and maybe both visible in the video/thumbnail and participants window. Some reaction might me still configured as toggle, such as the raise hand functionality.

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Hey @jrioux, @DavidSaul, @jhoward,

Thanks for your feedback. You can also submit it directly here:


Definitely need more options for reaction than clapping and thumbs up. Custom Reactions (a la, custom reactions in Slack) is great, but a great start would be to simply add more basic reaction emojis e.g., :joy::blush::flushed::rage::cry::grimacing::-1:

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This is my first time using Zoom Forum. I would like to know when is the update coming?

I Love Zoom but i think it needs the feature where you can add custom emjis i hope you add it in in the next update.

-A Zoom User

Me too! It would be awesome with more Reactions. Also, it would be cool if there was a feature where you could choose which corner of your video the emoji would show up. Zoom is so nice!

-A. C. Gale

@tommy recognizing and appreciating that custom reactions are in the works, can we get some advance notice on how they will work, formats, etc?


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Any chance we could also have Fibonacci sequence (to make zoom useful for agile estimating by a team) as well as an option to use the numbers 1 to 5 (for fist of five assessments in Agile).

~Jamie N

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Besides clap and thumbs-up, a ā€œparty popperā€ would be so awesome. Some teams I work with had being setting off a party popper every time we released something. Since COVID we havenā€™t been doing this, having it as a Reaction option would so awesome (and not just for releases :slight_smile: