I am currently only storing the tokens that I receive when authorizing, so I can’t identify the connection from any of the data that are included in the payload here. I do make calls to the users endpoint, so I guess I might have the user id of the person who created the connection but I am not sure how to determine this. Do I need to make an additional call or am I missing something?
I am still not sure where or how I am supposed to obtain account_id and user_id. I suppose the client_id is the one I use to establish the oauth connection with. But in the response from https://api.zoom.us/oauth/token, I only get an access and a refresh token – no way to identify which user or account made the connection. Do I need to make a separate call for this? And if so, to which endpoint?
I believe I now have the necessary infrastructure in place for this. I would like to test it before I reapply for your marketplace. I have set the webhook URL to point to my localhost for now, but I am not sure how to trigger the actual event. When I log into Zoom, I see a tab called “integration” but it doesn’t show me my own app. I can’t find any other place where I can disable or remove my app. How does one do that (and is that the proper way to test this?)