Debugging Meeting SDK Bot example project in VSCode

Hi all,

I have downloaded the Meeting SDK example, followed the guide step by step and have successfully run the Docker command to have the bot join a meeting. Great start!

The problem is, when I try to get the project to debug locally in VSCode I encounter a variety of errors. vcpkg looks to be connected, CMake Configure executes without a problem but I can’t seem to find a way to get the project to successfully start a debugging session. I just get various errors like this:

[build] [ 10%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/zoomsdk.dir/src/Config.cpp.o

[build] /Desktop/zoom/src/Config.cpp:3:9: error: reference member ‘m_version’ binds to a temporary object whose lifetime would be shorter than the lifetime of the constructed object

Any guidance you could provide on what needs to be done in VSCode to get debugging working would be greatly appreciated.

(I suspect it’s something I need to do in my c_cpp_properties.json, tasks.json and/or the launch.json)

Hey @cbeavis ,

Happy to help here! We run meeting bots at scale using various Zoom SDK’s and have definitely run into similar issues in the past.

A few questions to help diagnose the issue:

  • What OS are you using?
  • Are you using the Linux or Windows SDK?
  • Have you installed any CPP build toolchains? (e.g. are you using GCC? If so, what version?)