Need to know when the host leave the meeting on Android SDK

Hi Zoom Team,

There is a requirement on our end that when the host ended the meeting we should get a notification from Android SDK. Currently it is not happening properly. We do get the call back but it does say who. Whether it is user ended or the host ended the meeting. On iOS we do get this perfectly but on Android we could not determine who ended the meeting.

Please guide us to overcome this issue.


Hi Tamim,
Thanks for the post. Could you provide any code snippets for the parts that are not working properly?


Requirement 1: Only for Android
Differentiate who has left the meeting (provider or user)
Differentiate who has ended the meeting (provider or user)

Tried InMeetingService but couldn’t get required information. Achieved the same with “MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate” in iOS,

private void registerMeetingServiceListener() {
        if (zoomSDK.isInitialized()) {
            ZoomSDK zoomSDK = ZoomSDK.getInstance();
            InMeetingService inMeeting = zoomSDK.getInMeetingService();

Below are interface implementation,

    public void onMeetingReady() {

    public void onMeetingNeedWaitHost() {

    public void onMeetingReadyToJoin() {

    public void onMeetingNeedPasswordOrDisplayName(boolean b, boolean b1, InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {

    public void onWebinarNeedRegister() {

    public void onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {


    public void onMeetingNeedColseOtherMeeting(InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {


    public void onMeetingFail(int i, int i1) {


    public void onMeetingLeaveComplete(long l) {


    public void onMeetingUserJoin(long l) {


    public void onMeetingUserLeave(long l) {


    public void onMeetingUserUpdated(long l) {


    public void onMeetingHostChanged(long l) {


    public void onMeetingCoHostChanged(long l) {


    public void onSpotlightVideoChanged(boolean b) {


    public void onUserVideoStatusChanged(long l) {


    public void onMicrophoneStatusError(InMeetingAudioController.MobileRTCMicrophoneError mobileRTCMicrophoneError) {


    public void onUserAudioStatusChanged(long l) {


    public void onUserAudioTypeChanged(long l) {


    public void onMyAudioSourceTypeChanged(int i) {


    public void onLowOrRaiseHandStatusChanged(long l, boolean b) {


    public void onMeetingSecureKeyNotification(byte[] bytes) {


    public void onChatMessageReceived(InMeetingChatMessage inMeetingChatMessage) {


Requirement 2: For iOS and Android

Upon ending the meeting, an alert is shown which is auto dismissed after few seconds

  • Customize the alert message
  • Shouldn’t be auto dismissed. Need callback on clicking “Ok” in Alert.

Hi @carson.zoom can you please take a look at this code and let us know how to distinguish when the host end the meeting?

Hi Tamim,

Thanks for the detail. We will take a look and get back to you in shortly.


Do we have any update on this? Please let us know.

Hi Tamim,
Thanks for the detail. If you would like to know the moment when the host ends the meeting, you can implement the onMeetingLeaveComplete method( The method has a long ret parameter, which belongs to the MeetingEndReason( class. The MeetingEndReason class has a END_BY_HOST statue, which is the one that you are looking for.

public void onMeetingUserJoin(long ret) {

if (ret == MeetingEndReason.END_BY_HOST) {
// Do something

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi @carson.zoom Thanks for your help on the call back.

Can you please let us know how to customize the alert for the “Video ended” message. We want the user to go back to the home screen once they click on “OK” button of the video ended popup message

Would highly appreciate your quick response on this.

Hi Tamim,
Do you mean this message?


Yes @carson.zoom, thats is correct. Please let us know how to customize the alert or let us know how to override the event handler for the OK button.

If you want to customize the alert message, you can do something like the following, take our demo app as an example

  1. Navigate to the res>values>strings.xml
  2. Inside the <resources> tag, add the following line:
    <string name="zm_msg_meeting_end">Something you want to show</string>

This will change the alert message. If you want to get the event handler for this OK button, we don’t have such interface for this.


Hi @carson.zoom can you please let us know how to remove the timer as shown above? This timer is coming only from Android but absent on iOS.

Please help us to overcome this issue or let us know how to override that timer behavior.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, we do not an interface to control that.



Thanks for the response. We need to show different alert message when provider / user ends the meeting. Can you please provide string resource to use when “patient / user ends the meeting”.

Hi Murali,

Thanks for the reply. Is this string resource the one you are looking for? Need to know when the host leave the meeting on Android SDK

If not, please tell me the exact alert message and I will find the string resource for you.


Currently SDK shows same alert message when provider or user ends the meeting. But we need to show different messages.

zm_msg_meeting_end — We’re using this to override the alert message that is displayed when provider ends the meeting.

Similarly do you have a different string resource which can be used when “user” ends the meeting?

Thanks for the reply. I assume you mean the alert message when the participant clicks the “Leave Meeting” button. The resource string is below:

<string name="zm_alert_leave_conf">Do you want to leave this meeting?</string>

Hope this helps. Thanks!


I don’t know why but onMeetingLeaveComplete is not working.
When the host ends the meeting, a prompt is shown from the SDK in my app, but this method is never called.
I believe I have properly implemented the InMeetingServiceListener.
Is there an issue with this?

Hi @susankya,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Are you using Zoom UI or custom UI? Could you provide more information, such as code snippets, or how to reproduce the issue you are facing with our demo app?


Hi @carson.zoom! Can we override this pop up message or “Ok” button action now?