Do I need to publish app for using Meeting sdk?

I am considering creating a private app for our Zoom integration using SDKs and a server-to-server approach. This app is intended exclusively for users of our website. The idea is to develop the app without any plans for public release, eliminating the need for publication. So is it possible?.
Can I utilize a Pro account to access APIs within this private sdk app? Is it possible?
and what are the limitations for use a “no intend to publish app”

Hi @tarun ,

A private app more or less is the same as a public app and you should be able to access the APIs as you would normally do for a public app. Key difference being that the private app is not available on the marketplace.

Another option to distribute your app (without it being on the marketplace) is to request for an Authorization URL. The Authorization URL would allow you to share your app with users outside your account

See below link from Zoom for more information on this.

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