Does Zoom make any guarantees about the order in which Webhooks are received?

I was looking through the Zoom documentation and couldn’t find anything about this.

I have seen some questions in this forum and other sites only about webhooks being received in a non-chronological order.

Does Zoom make any guarantees about the order in which webhooks are received? For example, chronological order. I.e, the meeting.participant_joined will always be received before meeting.participant_left, or meeting.created will always be received before meeting.started.

Thank you.

Hi @ogen.odisho_zp
The expected behavior would be that Zoom will be sending events in chronological order.
Are you seeing a different behavior?

Hi @elisa.zoom , no I just wanted to confirm, I didn’t want to make that assumption because it may have been wrong.

Amazing, let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!