Domain is not valid

Hello, we are currently having problems adding and verifying the application. We have completed all the previous steps and done the verification, but we cannot add the application.


Hello @ubaidparvez4 whats the name of the App Please?

Regards, Kwaku

Hello @kwaku.nyante , the name of app is Incio.

Hello, is there any informations on this as we still cant solve this problem? We got backend and frontend separated on two domains.

@Is there anyone that we contact for support to solve this as its important? We also dont have like regular callback urls as we also passing the userid in url, and to access zoom integration its allowed just for logged users so we dont have any public route?

Hello, any updates on this @kwaku.nyante ?


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

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