Domain Validation for OAuth User-based app

I am tyring to validate domain for Bizzmate Integration (OAuth User-based) app for which I have to follow below steps:

  1. Download verifyzoom.html containing a verification code
  2. Create a folder zoomverify under root and make it viewable
  3. Upload the file to your domain and put it in the folder zoomverify
  4. Confirm your upload by visiting your domain
  5. Make sure all webhook and call back URLs that you have entered in the marketplace belong to the same domain

But the website/application we are trying to integrate with, is developed using no-code platform And as a no-code platform it does not have abilities to add a folder or upload a file in any folder.

Please provide necessary steps to solve this issue.


Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. Zoom Marketplace specialist can help with this, I’ve someone will reach out via DM to resolve the issue within 48hr. Please see this helpful developer forum post for more details:

i am facing a problem in zoom third party app publishing time so how can i resolve it?? our problem is domain validation so plzz help? i can not understand which domain we used in this section


Thank you for reaching out in relation to Our Domain Validation process, the next steps will be sent to you via DM. Please refer to our domain validation resource: Domain Validation Explanation for any further questions you may have about the process.

Thank you.

Hey Catalina,

Don’t you feel you were too early to respond to this query?

The employee working on this left us almost half a year ago.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time and thinking this was an important query. If the response rate remains this way, then I would start advising people using Zoom to add their queries even before they plan to build an app so that just in case they decide to use Zoom, they will have an answer by then.

I hope you have a great day ahead.

Ritesh Hegde

The standard procedure involves downloading a verification file (verifyzoom.html), creating a folder named zoomverify under the root directory, and uploading the file to this folder on the domain. Bubble .io, being a no-code platform, does not provide the functionality to add folders or upload files in such a manner. This limitation hinders the traditional validation process.