Domain Validation verifyzoom.html "unable to access the html file"

I’m trying to validate my domain to submit my Zoom App, but I get the “unable to access the html” error.
Things I’ve checked:

  1. I can access the verifyzoom.html from my browser with “
  2. The homepage URL and OAuth Redirect URI all share the same domain with the domain I’m trying to validate. (my app has no event subscriptions)

I also couldn’t open a Developer Support ticket for a manual verification because this account is on the Basic Plan.

Any troubleshooting advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How To Reproduce

  1. Try to validate a domain of a zoom app. Set up your homepage and OAuth Redirect URI
  2. Download the verifyzoom.html file and place it in root directory/zoomverify/verifyzoom.html
  3. Click validate and see error


Thank you for posting on the forum and sorry for the trouble verifying your domain. I’ve reached out internally for further guidance on the best path forward and will share what I learn.

@evan.cheng Can you please email this information to and we can help you resolve this issue

1 Like

Any updates? I’ve got same problem.

Hey Peter,
We upgraded our licensed and opened a support ticket. Zoom got back to us within a few days and validated our domain via TXT record.

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