Hi. I am developing some automation and I am looking for the element name of an input field.
During a live zoom meeting → click Invite → Opens up “Invite people to join meeting”.
Click on “Invite a Room System” → Click "Call Out → Select Sip
I have all of that coded properly and working.
The only issue I am having is selecting the input box that says “IP address or URI” to send text to it. I have tried various element names and I can’t seem to find it.
Is there a list of all element names somewhere? That would be GREAT if there were.
Thanks for the reply. I am a bit frustrated because I met with the sales rep and with a developer about 2 months ago and explained our requirements. They assured us that Zoom could do what we needed. We’ve spent 2 months developing our systems for integration and this is the last piece of the puzzle. I would imagine this would be in the SDK.
Are you sure you’re understanding my question because it seems strange that you would hold back on info required for programming custom apps.
hi, thanks for your feedback. we have c plus-plus interface to the invite room system into the meeting, you can find these interface in the head file(meeting_h323_helper_interface.h). maybe you can use our interface to implement this feature. About how to do automation for our product, sorry for we can’t tell any more technical details.