Embed Zoom Video-Conferencing into Another Activity

Hi botao,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Yes you can. You can define your own MeetingActivity, for example, MyMeetingActivity and inherit the SDK’s MeetingActivity like this:

public class MyMeetingActivity extends MeetingActivity

and then set the following in your config.xml (https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-android/blob/master/mobilertc-android-studio/example2/src/main/res/values/config.xml#L4 ):

<string name="zm_config_conf_activity">MyMeetingActivity</string>

Then you can implement your own business logic or constraints in MyMeetingActivity . You may refer to the implementation of example2 in our demo app:https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-android/tree/master/mobilertc-android-studio/example2

Hope this helps. Thanks!

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