Embed zoom video to a web server

Hey @MCosta1108, thanks for using Zoom!

What meeting ID is giving you that error?

For the iFrame redirect issue, try adding this code to your iFrame,

sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts"


<iframe src="https://zoom.us/join" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts"></iframe>


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Thank you that is what I needed.

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You are welcome! Happy to help! :slight_smile:

Hi @michael_p.zoom,

Thanks for an iframe code.
I embedded iframe with my meeting ID to a web server. Login section is shown on a website. When the user enters a name and clicks on the “Join” button nothing happens. Is it a solution to fix an issue?
Please find a screenshot:

Hey @Mindaugas,

You could solve this by bypassing the meeting id and name input by using the following url as your iFrame src, which takes you right into the meeting,

https://zoom.us/wc/{{ meetindID }}/join?prefer=1&un={{ base64Encoded Name }}


<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/{{ meetindID }}/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts" allow="microphone; camera; fullscreen"></iframe>

Let me know if this helps!


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Hi @tommy,

Thank you for your reply.
I have used following iframe for testing:

<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/436717859/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

Solution doesn’t work properly. It shows ‘Joining Meeting
’, but never joins it. Is it a solution to fix an issue?

Please find a screenshot:


I have tried to enter additional property sandbox="allow-same-origin" Then another “Unknown Error” is produced. Highly appreciate any help to fix it.
Full iframe looks like that:

<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/436717859/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

Please find a screenshot:

Hey @Mindaugas,

Thanks for the details!

Can you check your chrome settings and make sure you are allowing cookies?

Chrome Settings > Advanced Settings > Under Privacy and Security click Site Settings > Cookies > Make sure “Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)” is checked and “Block third-party cookies” is unchecked.

I found this by googling the error.


Apparently this iframe example works for me, however it only does video-wise but I can’t seem to hear anything from the meeting and when I click join audio I get this error in the console. “avsocket audio did not initial successful”, everything does work though if I’m using it on my localhost version of the app but on my production site (domain) audio doesn’t seem to work.


<iframe style="border:none; height: 600px; width: 100%;" src="https://zoom.us/wc/{meeting-id}/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

here’s a screenshot cause I can’t upload pictures in my reply for some reasons.

Hey @omar.saleh, thanks for reaching out and using Zoom!

I was able to reproduce your issue. Basically the browser is blocking turning on the audio programmatically via the prefer=1 query param.

The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. Chrome è‡Șć‹•æ’­æ”Ÿæ”żç­–  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

To fix this, use prefer=0 and have the user click the Join with Computer Audio button, and allow site to access microphone.

Then you should be able to hear the participant from the iFrame.

<iframe style="border:none; height: 600px; width: 100%;" src="https://zoom.us/wc/{meeting-id}/join?prefer=0&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

Let me know if this works!


Thanks for that. It works for me, but with one problem.

Although I pass the encoded name, I still being asked to enter my name and only then click Join. Can I skip that step and join automatically?

Hey @shimi, happy to help!

This is happening because your meeting requires a password.

If you want to use a password and join the meeting with the webclient url, add this query param: &pwd=passwordhere

For example,


Unfortunately that didn’t work for me still, I also noticed you tested it on a localhost app, everything’s working perfect for me when I test it on my localhost, it triggers this error only when I’m doing it on my production domain site.


Thanks @tommy.
I’ve noticed that when prefer=0, I always end up in this screen, even if I add the password

Notice that the password field was pre-populated by the query string, but name is empty.
Can I use prefer=1? What’s the difference?

Hey @shimi,

Try setting prefer=1. Also, are you including the un=username query param?


Please share your full url so I can investigate.


Hey @omar.saleh,

What browser and operating system are you using? Also can you please share your code here so I can help debug.


Windows Server 2016 where the site’s hosted, my own client machine is running on windows 10 with chrome browser, I tested it on other browsers as well as other machines including a mac but with the same error showing up at the console log “avsocket audio did not initial successful”.

I’m coding it in C# MVC, here’s the controller’s code (this is a simplified example of it)

public ActionResult Test(string Id)
ViewBag.Id = Id;
return View();

and here’s the view’s html code

Layout = null;

    <iframe style="border:none; height: 600px; width: 100%;" src="@string.Format("https://zoom.us/wc/{0}/join?prefer=0&un={1}", ViewBag.Id, System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Name Test")))" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

and here’s the result iframe on the site after launch.
iframe style=“border:none; height: 600px; width: 100%;” src=“https://zoom.us/wc/763597368/join?prefer=0&un=2LnZhdixINmF2K3ZhdivINi12KfZhNit” sandbox=“allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin” allow=“microphone; camera”></iframe


Hi @michael_p.zoom I used the iframe

<div class="iframe-container" style="overflow: hidden; padding-top: 56.25%; position: relative;">
    	<iframe allow="microphone; camera" style="border: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%;" src="https://success.zoom.us/wc/join/{meeting-id}" frameborder="0"></iframe>

and got a cookies pop up. Please see attached image.
How do I get rid of the cookies pop up? Thanks

Hi @kimi.beulah,

This particular thread looks to already be resolved from a former issue. Can you make a new post concerning your issue about the cookie? From there we’ll be able to help out.


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Hey @omar.saleh,

I was able to reproduce that error when hosting on a live server not secured over https.

This is what I saw via http url:

I was able to fix it when I switched to https:

Make sure your live server is secured via https.


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