Embedding Zoom in PHP web pages

When embedding zoom in PHP code, are the next options available?

-Disable waiting room and admit participants to join the meeting automatically
-Audio and video work on Chrome for MacOS and iOS.
-Assign co-hosts

Hey @nashwa.bakry,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Just to clarify, when you refer to embedding Zoom in PHP code, are you referring to the Zoom Web SDK, the Zoom APIs, or a combination of both? To accomplish all of this, you’ll likely want to use a combination of the APIs and Web SDK.

Disable waiting room and admit participants to join the meeting automatically

You can use the Create a Meeting API to programmatically create meetings where the settings.waiting_room fieldsets if the waiting room is enabled for that meeting. You can also make this change through the Zoom Portal.


Audio and video work on Chrome for MacOS and iOS.

The APIs don’t support sending/receiving audio or video as this is expected to be handled by the Web SDK. That being said there are some limitations in terms of what is supported on each platform. Please see our browser support table for more information on what is supported for each platform.

Assign co-hosts

You can use the Create a Meeting or Update a Meeting APIs to set the alternative_hosts field which will allow co-hosts to be assigned. Currently, this cannot be done with the Web SDK.

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 3.54.05 PM

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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