Error 2038 when trying to PATCH User

I’m aware that in order to be able to assign number to a user it first has to be enabled with zoom feature. I’ve tried PATCH update user profile but when I push the request I get following error:

    "code": 2038,
    "message": "Your request to convert the plan type of this user was not approved at this time because your account has reached the permitted maximum number. Please purchase additional licenses or contact the Zoom support team to provision additional users in your account."

We have plenty of license on Zoom so not sure why it’s returning that. This is what I’m sending:

  "zoom_one_type": 16

Hi @nbecirovic
Are you still facing this issue on your end?

Hi, I am experiencing the same issue. Any luck?

Hi @bilal.mohammad
could you please share more details about the issue you are facing? maybe the workflow you are using so I can try and replicate it?

Thanks for the quick response Elisa!

I am making a PATCH request to the endpoint:{}

with the following payload:

    "zoom_one_type": 16

I have Authorization bearer token as the request header. But I am receiving the exact same error message shown by the Original Poster.

Please note that similar to the original poster we have plenty of licenses available and are able to assign them to the zoom one package for US/CA (i’m assuming this is what zoom_one_type: 16 corresponds to based on documentation) via the UI. But doing this through the API is causing licensing errors.

Hope that suffices. Let me know if I can provide additional information!