Error when using the API to create a new user with licensed type

When creating a new user through the API I specify the type; 1 basic, 2 licensed, 3 corp. However, we have Zoom One Enterprise Premier licenses and I receive an error when I try to use the type 2 setting. This worked fine before moving to Zoom One.

I’m making the request to

The error and post info are below.

$body = @{
‘action’= “create”
‘user_info’= @{
‘email’= “$EmailAddr”
‘first_name’= “$FirstName”
‘last_name’= “$LastName”
‘display_name’= “$FullName”
‘password’= “xxx”
‘type’= 2
‘feature’= @{
‘zoom_phone’= $true

{“code”:3412,“message”:“Your request to add a new Licensed user could not be approved at this time because your account
has reached the permitted maximum number of 0 paying users. Please purchase additional licenses or contact the Zoom support team to provision
additional users in your account.”}

Hi @jwolf
Thanks for reaching out to us.
I have tried to replicate this on my end and I was not able to.
Can you please confirm that you are not reassigning and assigning multiple different licenses to different users.
This could be related to this issue:

If not, please let me know and I will take a closer look

Thanks Elisa. I wasn’t trying to reassign licenses, I was trying to set the license type upon user creation. I ended up working around this by creating the user with a basic license type 1 then making another API call to modify the user settings. This allowed me to assign the Zoom One Enterprise Premier license by including zoom_one_type = 134217728.

Happy to hear this worked on your end.
Again, I think it could have been related to the limits on re-assigning licenses.
I will close this thread for now but feel free to reach out in the future if you need any help