Error 403 when downloading voice mail url

Hi all, I’m trying to access the download url of the voice mail. I was able to retrieve the list of voice mails using this end point:, once I get the voicemails I tried accessing the download_urls . This download url: and appending with an access token. I keep getting error 403 in response even after giving the access token,

I’m using RestClient and I keep getting the error:“code”:403,“message”:"You do not have permission."

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

var client = new RestClient(download_url);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.AddHeader(“Authorization”, "Bearer " + AccessToken);
request.AddHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”);
var response = client.Execute(request);

How do I get access to my own voicemails

Hi @rdmello,

Thanks for reaching out about this, and happy to help.

Can I kindly ask how you’re appending the access token? Can you please try appending ?access_token={token} as well as ?download_token={token} and let me know if this works for you?


Hi Will,
As mentioned in the c# code, I’m adding access_token in the header parameter of the request url. Should I simply just try using it this way:{token}
Also I wasn’t aware there is a token called download_token, where do I get that?

Hey @rdmello,

Can you try replacing access_token with download_token in your URL? The token itself will remain the same. Some of our endpoints use different naming conventions for the token parameter, and I’d like to rule out that this endpoint isn’t expecting download_token instead of access_token. Please try something like this and let me know if you see the same error:{token}

This may not be the issue, but I’d like to rule it out. :slight_smile:


I tried out the link which you mentioned in your post and it gave me a white label error

as you can see I have used download_token instead of access_token

Hi @rdmello,

Thank you for confirming that. You’re correct that you should be able to use the access_token, but thank you for ruling that out.

Another thing to check—can you please try downloading the Voicemail using the download_url in an incognito window? (using ?access_token={token}) If you have an active session logged into another account, this could cause issues as well.

If you still have trouble with it, can you please share the full API response that includes the access_token you’re using and the full download URL you’re attempting with? This will help to further debug, and you can send this directly to


Hi Will,
Sorry for the late reply, I tried using the link in incognito mode and used access_token={token} I got the same error: Whitelabel Error Page.
Here is my API response :
Content:{“code”:403,“message”:“You do not have permission.”}
Response URI:{}
StatusCode:Bad Request
C# code:
var client = new RestClient(download_url);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.AddHeader(“Authorization”, "Bearer " + AccessToken);
request.AddHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”);
var response = client.Execute(request);

Hey @rdmello,

Thanks for following up—I can see you’ve emailed in some additional details, so I will connect with you there to further investigate this.


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