Error 403 when downloading voicemail through returned download_url

Hi there.
I have a problem about downloading voicemail through returned download_url.
After getting voicemail download_url via phone.voicemail_received, I requested the url with OAuth access_token which voicemail received user has like this.

access_token = {token}
download_url =

req = request.Request(
    url=download_url, data=None, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}
res = request.urlopen(req)

This was worked except for role of Members until about one or two weeks ago.
I have not changed anything and all the other API work with same access_token but only voicemail download_url now returned 403.


    "code": 403,
    "message": "You do not have permission."

How To Reproduce
I’ve already written above.

Already tried

And I’ve already read some similar topics and tried like these which didn’t work.
Please help, thanks.

download_url = f'{access_token}'
download_url = f'{access_token}'

Hi @ryota
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I am happy to help here!

I see you are having trouble downloading voicemail through the download URL, but you say that this was working about one or two weeks ago and you have not made any changes to your code, correct?

Hi, thank you for replying.

Could you check there are any changes about downloading voicemail, and request I sent is correct?

Thank you for your supporting.
What is the status of this?
I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible as we are about to release our Zoom App.

Best regard.

Hi @ryota
Sorry for the late reply, unfortunately, I am not able to replicate this issue on my end.
I am able to download the recording using the download url and an oauth access token.
I will send you a private message so you can share more details about this issue with me and that way I will take a closer look

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An update on this open issue, this was a bug on our end where using an access token generated by a User Level Oauth app was throwing an error when downloading voicemails.
This bug has been fixed.

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