Error when starting ZoomX meeting from Zoom App

Zoom Apps Configuration
Our app is running on node.js backend and a combination of VanillaJS/AngularJS/React microfrontends.

In our app, we have a button to start a Zoom meeting (when the app is opened in the main client).

The code is:

zoomSdk.callZoomApi("launchAppInMeeting", {
    joinURL: meetingUrl

This used to work for a long time. However, now apparently there is new format for URLs for ZoomX meetings ( instead of The code above fails when trying to open a ZoomX meeting. It still works with meetings. The “App wants to start a meeting” popup appears but nothing happens if you press “Allow”. There is an error in console (see below).

We get a JS error which simply says: Launch app in meeting failed.
Just this string, I don’t see any additional information.

Troubleshooting Routes
I’ve tried adding * to the whitelisted domains, but it didn’t solve the issue in the development version of the app. I’ve submitted the app to be re-published with the new whitelisted domain but I doubt it will help.

Could you please recommend us how to solve this issue? Thanks!

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We are still experiencing the problem. Has anyone else run into it?

The problem seems to be fixed in Zoom Client Version 6.1.5 (43316)