Error ZoomVideoSDKError(rawValue: 2014) 5002 in iphone and iPad both

func joinSession() {

    let sessionContext = ZoomVideoSDKSessionContext()

    // Ensure that you do not hard code JWT or any other confidential credentials in your production app.

    sessionContext.token = "XXXXXXXX"

    sessionContext.sessionName = "testingdemo"

    sessionContext.userName = "nigel"

   sessionContext.sessionPassword = "Hello123"

    if let session = ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.joinSession(sessionContext) {
        print("Session joined successfully.")

After joining session , instantly facing issue : Error ZoomVideoSDKError(rawValue: 2014) 5002 in iphone and iPad both,
Helping hands will be appreciated!!

Using: 1.9.3 SDK from AppMarketplace.

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