Errors at time compile in c++ application

Hi everyone. I followed the steps from the zoom sdk integration instruction []. But when I include zoom_sdk.h, I get the following errors.

Maybe someone can help me?

  • OS: Windows 10
  • SDK version: v5.4.54802.0124
  • Compiler: msvc2019 32bit
  • Config: release + win32


I receive similar errors. I also followed the SDK integration instructions for the Windows client SDK.

It looks like all the errors come from the zoom_sdk_def.h included in other header files (in my case so far, zoom_sdk.h and auth_service_interface.h).

  • OS: Windows 10
  • SDK Version: 5.4.54802.0124
  • Config: Release x86

Hey @tom_nicholsfaber &,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Can you compare your linking settings with the one in the demo application? Can you also compare your DLL folder location to the one in the demo application? My suspicion is that your applications are having trouble finding all the necessary DLL’s.


Excuse for troubling, I checked all the project properties, but I get the same errors, here are screenshots. The bin, h and lib folders are in the project folder.


Thanks for using the dev forum!

Can you provide screenshots of your bin folder, your release folder, and the folder that your .sln file is in?


Thank you for helping. Here’s what you asked for.

Hello, Michael! Thank you! I’m attaching screenshots of my project configs and the folders you requested.

General config properties:

VC++ Directories:

Linker General config:

C/C++ General config:

Project base folder:

Project bin folder:

Project sln folder:

Project Release folder:

Hey @tom_nicholsfaber and,

Sorry, can you also provide a screenshot of your Linker->Input settings in VS?
Also @tom_nicholsfaber, I believe you need to add the path to your header file in the C/C+±>General->Additional Include Directories. For example, Mine looks like this:

One other thing I noticed, that was different: Under Linker->General-> I am adding the path to the lib folder:


Thanks for your reply. All settings are the same, but unfortunately, there are still errors.


Would you be able to email your project over to so that I can look at it? Please include my name and a link to this post in the email.


Hi, Michael. Thanks again! Here is the screenshot for my Linker->Input settings:

I added the header directory to the C/C+±>General->Additional Include Directories and the lib directory to Linker->General->Additional Library Directories. When I compile now, I get fewer errors. I notice you also have the duilib. I tried including that as well, but that hasn’t seemed to help.

Updated Linker->General:

Updated C/C+±>General:

Updated (shorter) list of compile errors:

Thank you!

Hey @tom_nicholsfaber,

You dont need DUILib unless you are trying to run the demo application or you actually want to use DUILib for your UI. Can you add sdk.lib to your additional dependencies for Linker->Input?


Hi Michael,

I took out the duilib references as I won’t need them, and I added the sdk.lib path into Linker->Input->Additional Directories. Unfortunately, I’ll still getting the same compile errors as the last message.

Thank you!

Hey @tom_nicholsfaber,

Hmm, interesting. Would you be able to zip up your project and email it to me at so that I can investigate further? Please do not include any private information in the project. When emailing developer support, please mention my name and provide a link to this post.


Hey @tom_nicholsfaber,

I looked at your project and saw that Windows.h was not included. You need to add
#include <Windows.h> as the SDK is dependent on the Windows API.


Hey @Michael_Condon ,

Thank you very much! I added that to the top of my includes, and almost all of the compiler errors have vanished. There are just two now, both for the GetVersion() function declaration in zoom_sdk.h.

Thanks again!


Hey @tom_nicholsfaber,

Ahh yes that is a naming collision between the windows api and the Zoom SDK. I would say just comment that function out in the header file it belongs in. You can get the version number in the version.txt file instead. I will submit a bug report for that.


Hey @Michael_Condon

Ah, okay. That makes sense. I’ll go ahead and comment that out.

Thank you much!


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Hey @tom_nicholsfaber,

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:
Please let us know if you run into anything else.


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