Extracting Data

I’m trying to build a data pipeline to extract data on Zoom and store it in our database. I’m planning to schedule to extract users, meetings, participants data everyday.

Which endpoint can I use to call a GET request that allows me to get the data that was created or modified the day before?

For meetings, most of the endpoints that I found requires user ID. It allows query with from= and to=, but would be better if there is an endpoint that doesn’t require user ID.

For user, I couldn’t find an endpoint that allows to query info only accounts that have been updated or created in certain timeframe.

I’m fairly new to ETL, any advice is much appreciated.


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  1. Meetings Data:
  • You can get a list of meetings that happened on a specific day using Zoom’s API, but you need to know the user who created the meeting.
  1. Participants Data:
  • You can get a list of people who attended a meeting, but again, you need to know the ID of the meeting.
  1. Users Data:
  • You can get a list of all users on your Zoom account, but you can’t filter them based on when they were created or modified.

To make your pipeline work:

  1. Get User IDs:
  • Grab the IDs of all users from your Zoom account and save them.
  1. Get Meetings:
  • For each user, find out what meetings they created or modified yesterday.
  1. Get Participants:
  • For each meeting, find out who attended.
  1. Save Data:
  • Store all this information in your database.
  1. Automate:
  • Set up a system to do this every day automatically.

It’s a bit tricky because you can’t directly ask Zoom’s API for exactly what you want, but by following these steps, you can still get the job done!

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Thank you!

I ran a test, the result includes user created_date, I can insert new users to the database. What would you recommend on how to update the current users if there anything changed on their profiles?

Checking if there is any changes in each account might take a very long time.