Facing issues while integrating android sdk

I am trying to integrate the Android SDK into an app by following the steps mentioned in doc. I added the mobilertc and commonlib as dependencies in the project. But while building the app, I am getting the following error.

> Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED
/Users/sanketchavan/Documents/Projects/crm-frontend/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:34:7-33 Error:
	Attribute application@allowBackup value=(true) from AndroidManifest.xml:34:7-33
	is also present at [mobilertc.aar] AndroidManifest.xml:130:9-36 value=(false).
	Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-12:19 to override.
/Users/sanketchavan/Documents/Projects/crm-frontend/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:37:7-42 Error:
	Attribute application@usesCleartextTraffic value=(true) from AndroidManifest.xml:37:7-42
	is also present at [mobilertc.aar] AndroidManifest.xml:133:9-45 value=(false).
	Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:usesCleartextTraffic"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-12:19 to override.

In order to resolve the above error, I temporarily removed above mentioned attributes from the AndroidManifest.xml from the project. I tried to rebuild the app again. But got the following error:

ERROR:AAPT: error: resource style/Widget.MaterialComponents.NavigationRailView (aka com.foldhealth.provider:style/Widget.MaterialComponents.NavigationRailView) not found.
error: failed linking references.

As I try to remove errors, new errors are produced. I need your help in successfully integrating the SDK in the android project.
Following are some details that could be useful:

  • Android Studio: Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
  • java: openjdk

Additionally, I wanted to enquire if there is any library in nodejs that allows integration of the meeting SDK in react-native.

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