Features in Video SDK UI ToolKit will be an advantage

I’m using videoSdk-UI-tookit, in my Angular application and it is good option of Video SDK with UI, but I found that we can not directly do any changes in UI.

Here are some options, features I think it will helpful,

  1. Once session is started CPU usage reached to high percentage, some time it create a issue to operate the session window.
  2. Session Leave and End button name should be configurable Like, Leave is fine but End should be End Session , It will be vary as per usage so configurable is a good option and each button have it should independent session event like leave session and end session will be work as independent event.
  3. Gallery View is must required.
  4. Call out or SIP call functionality needs be there.
  5. How to set an default background image to all user or upload image option.
  6. Breakout rooms

Hi @vishwajeetbhosale ,

Thank you for using the UI Toolkit and sharing your feedback. Please share this feedback here, on our UI Toolkit feedback form, so we can take these points into account.


@rehema.zoom , I have updated my request under the same link as feedback form.

Hey @vishwajeetbhosale ,

We have released some updates to the UI Toolkit like Gallery View, and SIP/PSTN support:

We are working on additional features for the next updates.


@tommy , thanks for he update.

Excited to use the Gallery View in UI Tool Kit.

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@tommy For UI toolkit Gallery View I am facing issue . I am unable to see gallery view. I am using angular version 15 and in your sample app it is 17. Is there a direct relation with version compataibilty. Also let me know minimum supported version.Please help out in this regard.