Full Screen mode broken in 6.0.4 / 6.0.10

Full screen doesn’t fully go full screen. There is a strip at the top of the screen that is not rendering. See screenshots.

This started happening in 6.0.4 / 6.0.10

5.17.11 was fine

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The screenshot is Zoom Workplace 6.0.10 in full screen.

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This is the other screen shot that shows the gap issue at the top of the screen. This is using Zoom SDK 6.0.10 in fullscreen.

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The full screen mode in the software versions 6.0.4 and 6.0.10 appears to be malfunctioning, causing disruptions for users trying to utilize it. This issue may manifest as the screen not expanding properly or interface elements not being displayed correctly. Users have reported inconsistencies and a lack of functionality when attempting to switch to full screen. The problem could stem from bugs introduced in these updates or conflicts with other system components.

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Same issue in 6.0.11

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