Generate Signed Bundle: Errors while building Bundle file. 'other' has different root

I have search many times to solve this error. My apps going well when build with no signed but it getting error when build Signed Bundle/APK. I used zoom meeting android SDK in my project with module name mobilertc and commonlib. i have included multidex depedencies and try to delete .gradle file then invalidate/restart android, but it still get error like this :

Type a.a.a.a.a is defined multiple times: C:\Users\AndroidStudioProjects\android-zoomsdk\mobilertc\build.transforms\135bfa37c7ff11bc18f4ecf26c77ccbe\jetified-mobilertc-runtime\classes.dex, C:\Users\AndroidStudioProjects\android -zoomsdk\app\build\intermediates\external_libs_dex\developmentRelease\mergeExtDexDevelopmentRelease\classes.dex

I need to generate my Signed Bundle/APK that used to upload to play store. I really appreciate your answer. Thanks.

Hi @mptr.rkn,

Since this is only happening when building a signed bundle, it is likely being caused by ProGuard. Can you please try adding the below rules to your ProGuard config?

-keep class  us.zoom.**{*;}
-keep class  com.zipow.**{*;}
-keep class  us.zipow.**{*;}
-keep class  org.webrtc.**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}


Thanks for the answer. after i added that code at ProGuard Config it still show same error.

how to resolve this problem??

Hi @mptr.rkn,

Can you please confirm how the SDK was added to your project? Also, what does the file structure of your project look like?


i added the module with this step on android studio ::
File → Import module → choose folder mobilertc and commonlib

for information i used zoom-sdk-android-

and this is my project structure with Zoom SDK.

Thank You!

Hi @mptr.rkn,

Thanks for the additional context. Can you also share how the SDK is being integrated into your app’s build.gradle file?


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