Get all account recording UUIDs

Is there an api call that allows you to get all of the meeting recording UUIDs in zooms cloud storage? I am needing to write a script that iterates over every recording in our account so we can manage our storage better. Annoyingly even the recording list export in the UI doesnt include the UUID

Hi @sm-ryan,

I recommend leveraging this endpoint, which returns the UUIDs for meetings/recordings:


Hi @will.zoom,

Thanks for your reply. Yes I noticed that endpoint, but it maxes out at a months range, and I need to get all of the available recordings. Is there a way of grabbing them all without looping over a month at a time?

  • Ryan

Hi @sm-ryan,

I’m afraid we don’t have an API to grab them all at once, you’ll need to loop through the months with separate requests.


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