Get Bearer Token or OAuth for create meeting, 1 account Zoom Marketplace for every user

Hey everyone, i’m a junior react programmer, I have job to integrate my react app with zoom so that can make new meeting from my react app only for thats job. I have research maybe for 5 days, and I made it, I can create a new meeting but using Postman using Get Started Fast with Zoom APIs collection. In this collection I can make new meeting with inserting my General App client_id and client_secret into Easy OAuth 2.0 authorization & access to get the Bearer Token, and make new meeting using API Meeting.

But my question is how do I get token without using Postman? and how do i get tokens for other users who will use my app later? Do I have to create a Zoom App Marketplace for all users? is there any other way to create a Zoom App Marketplace that can be used by many users? And can this only be done by Zoom Accounts whose role is a Developer in the Zoom App Marketplace?

Hi @surya.juniawan2306
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Community!

If you want 3rd party users to authorize and use your app, you must create an app and submit it for review.

Here is a sample app by one of my colleagues that can help you to get started using our Oauth app