Get meeting reports doesn't return UUID

Hi Forum,

We are developing a meeting dashboard view for our clients. As part of this, my work is to fetch list of meetings and show them in dashboard. Since id is not unique, I’m using UUID as the primary key from Zoom meeting reports API. But couple of the meetings doesn’t have UUID.

Three meetings which had 10 digit ID of which 2 are the same meeting doesn’t have UUID, while the 3rd meeting had an UUID. When I fetched meeting detail reports for with the ID that doesn’t have UUID, I get

    "code": 3001,
    "message": "Meeting does not exist: 0123456789."

Below is the JSON for the Get meeting reports API

    "id": 0123456789,
    "user_name": "D - V",
    "user_email": "",
    "schedule_time": "",
    "join_waiting_room_time": "",
    "join_time": "01/03/2023 16:36",
    "leave_time": "01/03/2023 16:36",
    "host_name": "abc",
    "has_screen_share": false,
    "has_recording": false,
    "has_chat": false,
    "meeting_encryption_status": 2,
    "participants_count_my_account": 10
    "id": 0123456789,
    "user_name": "D - V",
    "user_email": "",
    "schedule_time": "",
    "join_waiting_room_time": "",
    "join_time": "01/03/2023 16:36",
    "leave_time": "01/03/2023 17:05",
    "host_name": "abc",
    "has_screen_share": true,
    "has_recording": false,
    "has_chat": false,
    "meeting_encryption_status": 2,
    "participants_count_my_account": 10
    "uuid": "nuIt6X+g==",
    "id": 1234567890,
    "host_id": "upsK",
    "topic": "S K's Personal Meeting Room",
    "user_name": "D - V",
    "user_email": "",
    "schedule_time": "",
    "join_waiting_room_time": "",
    "join_time": "01/03/2023 17:07",
    "leave_time": "01/03/2023 17:26",
    "has_screen_share": false,
    "has_recording": false,
    "has_chat": true,
    "meeting_encryption_status": 2

Hi @skethan ,

this seems to be like a bug.

Can you please open a ticket with our support and provide them with the meeting Ids that you do not see the UUID for?

You can create a ticket here: Sign In - Zoom


Thanks for your reply Ojus, I have raised a ticket but everytime it goes to Status Solved without any support

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