Get webinar tracking sources

Hello everyone,

i use the api from zoom to get information about which source we get more registrants for webinars. if i check the numbers which i get from api response doesent match with the numbers from zoom. The number of registrationr_count dosen’t match but the visitor_count is matching

For example my code:

webinar_registration_df = None

url = f""
headers = {‘Accept’: ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’: 'Bearer ’ + access_token}
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers,params=tracking_source_id).json()

temp_df = pd.DataFrame(response[‘tracking_sources’])
temp_df[‘webinar_id’] = webinar_id

if webinar_registration_df is None:
    webinar_registration_df = temp_df

    webinar_registration_df = pd.concat([webinar_registration_df, temp_df])

except Exception as e:
type or paste code here

Hi @webinars9 ,

When you say the API response doesn’t match with the numbers from Zoom, do you mean registration_count on the Zoom web platform? Is registration_count different across all sources?


we send the webiar invitations through three different sources mailling, website and social media. On the Zoom platform the registrations and visitors are displayed, these numbers do not match the numbers I get as a response from the api.


we send the webiar invitations through three different sources mailling, website and social media. On the Zoom platform the registrations and visitors are displayed, these numbers do not match the numbers I get as a response from the ap

@webinars9 I’m messaging you for you to send screenshots of the portal vs. API data, you production client id and developer email associated with the application.

Hi all, I have not been able to solve da problem, For the Webiar id : REDACTED
I still get different numbers from the zoom api GET /webinars/{webinarId}/tracking_sources. In Zoom other numbers are displayed.

@webinars9 ,

I redacted your post. Please do not post full webinar or meeting ids. I followed up with you via private message for more info :slight_smile:

Hi @webinars9 , submitted a ticket for further review (ZSEE-99885). I’ll share details as they become available!

Hi @webinars9 ,

Here’s what was uncovered:

Root cause: This is by design, the logic of the API is to only query the latest upcoming recurring webinar, because the customer’s webinar has all ended, so the “registration_count” of Get webinar tracking sources is 0, but the web portal will query the specific “registration_count” of a certain recurring webinar. There is a request in place to make them consistent and to update the documentation to reflect the current behavior accurately.

In summary, at this time, this API returns the tracking source only for the latest upcoming webinar.

Content update request doc submitted (DEVELOPERS-4086).