Getting channels of a user does not five all the answer

When using the route GET /chat/users/${userId}/channels`

I am am returned with :slight_smile:

  total_records: 7,
  page_size: 10,
  next_page_token: '',
  channels: [
      id: '***********************************',
      jid: '*******************************',
      name: '**********************',
      type: 4
      id: '***********************************',
      jid: '*******************************',
      name: '**********************',
      type: 1
      id: '***********************************',
      jid: '*******************************',
      name: '**********************',
      type: 1


As you can see total_records is 7 but the number of elements in the channel array is 3 (page size is 10). I am missing 4 channels!

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
I am using OAuth.

Which Endpoint/s?{userId}/channels

Hey @gaetan,

Thanks for reporting this. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. (ZOOM-196300)

I will get back to you with updates.


Hey @gaetan,

Can you please make the API call again? We need a more recent API call to look into the logs.


Hey @gaetan,

We have confirmed this is a bug. We are working on a fix. I will keep you updated on the timeline.


Hey @gaetan,

We are planning to release the fix for this in our November release. (Due note that is subject to change.)


Great news! Looking forward to it.

Thanks, and keep an eye out, @gaetan!

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