Getting different structure of Zoom Event Type meeting.updated


In Zoom Development, We are getting below payload from zoom Event type meeting.updated where the occurence details tag are missing
But as per the document in marketplace document, it shows all the objects with occurrence details for this event type.
We are expecting occurrence details as well in our payload.

Can anyone throw some light on why the occurence details are not populating in our payload in the even type meeting.updated.
We had created a meeting with recurrence

Response Payload what we are getting:
“event”: “meeting.updated”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “cf6X_DGjSROAiLj7OGhQ5g”,
“operator”: “”,
“operator_id”: “psk3fnpdTdGDn3dvoKTAyw”,
“scope”: “all”,
“object”: {
“uuid”: “Rv8ogXCHQQS5M50qp12O2w==”,
“id”: 94701861191,
“settings”: {
“approval_type”: 1
“old_object”: {
“uuid”: “Rv8ogXCHQQS5M50qp12O2w==”,
“id”: 94701861191,
“settings”: {
“approval_type”: 0
“time_stamp”: 1654681110267
“event_ts”: 1654681110267

The response payload as per Document (we are supposed to get):
“event”: “string”,
“event_ts”: “integer”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “string”,
“operator”: “string”,
“operator_id”: “string”,
“scope”: “string”,
“object”: {
“id”: “integer”,
“uuid”: “string”,
“host_id”: “string”,
“topic”: “string”,
“type”: “integer”,
“start_time”: “string”,
“duration”: “integer”,
“timezone”: “string”,
“join_url”: “string”,
“password”: “string”,
“agenda”: “string”,
“registration_url”: “string”,
“occurrences”: [
“occurrence_id”: “string”,
“start_time”: “string”,
“duration”: “integer”,
“status”: “string”
“settings”: {
“host_video”: “boolean”,
“panelists_video”: “boolean”,
“join_before_host”: “boolean”,
“mute_upon_entry”: “boolean”,
“audio”: “string”,
“auto_recording”: “string”,
“use_pmi”: “boolean”,
“waiting_room”: “boolean”,
“enforce_login”: “boolean”,
“enforce_login_domains”: “boolean”,
“approval_type”: “boolean”,
“registration_type”: “integer”,
“meeting_authentication”: “boolean”,
“authentication_option”: “string”,
“authentication_name”: “string”,
“authentication_domains”: “string”
“recurrence”: {
“type”: “integer”,
“repeat_interval”: “integer”,
“weekly_days”: “string”,
“monthly_day”: “integer”,
“monthly_week_day”: “integer”,
“end_times”: “integer”,
“end_date_time”: “string”,
“monthly_week”: “integer”
“old_object”: {
“$changed_category”: {
“$changed_field_name”: “$changed_field_type”

Hi @padman73

Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community!
I am happy to help here!

Allow me some time to try and replicate this issue!
I will keep you updated!