Getting error: "not support to start meeting via tokens"

We have integrated the web SDK into our PHP & JS website for the purpose of setting up a webinar for auctions.

I’ve included the following head scripts:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- For Component and Client View - ZOOM -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- For Component View -->
    <script src=""></script>

The signature is generated and hosted on Heroku as explained here:

and the join() function is set as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">

// signature endpoint
var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "timeout": 0,


// fetch signature
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
  //console.log('Base64 Signature (decode for info): ' + response.signature);
  localStorage.setItem('zoom_signature', response.signature);

      const client =  ZoomMtgEmbedded.createClient();

      let meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById('meetingSDKElement');

        debug: true,
        zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement,
        language: 'en-US',
        customize: {
          meetingInfo: [
          toolbar: {
            buttons: [
                text: 'Custom Button',
                className: 'CustomButton',
                onClick: () => {
                  console.log('custom button');

        sdkKey: '************************************', // redacted for privacy
        signature: localStorage.getItem('zoom_signature'), // role in SDK Signature is set to 1 when admin ( joins. Else 0
        meetingNumber: '82876307071',
        password: '', // not needed. Only for pass protected meetings
        userName: 'Online Auction',
        userEmail: '',
        zak: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsInpt......." // redacted for privacy


For the time being and while in development, the signature is renewed when the page is reloaded. It’s also important to note that I did include type=zak in my zak request when fetching my ZAK token manually with Postman:

Everything appears to be set up correctly, however, im faced with the following error: “Not support to start meeting via tokens”


Hi @andrew6 , I have not seen this error before. Thanks for bringing to our attention! Could you please try following the zak token guidance below?:

Hi Gianni,

Thanks for the response.

We are currently passing “type=zak” as a query parameter, and not including it in the request body:


I have tested the page in incognito mode on all 3 major browsers (chrome, firefox and edge). All are giving the same error so its not a caching issue.

Best regards

Apologies @andrew6 for the delay in response, sometimes the notifications don’t pop up if you do not @ the person directly. Were you able to resolve or you still need assistance? If you did resolve, can you please share what worked for the rest of our dev community? Thanks!

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

I have the same issue

signature generating like example

  const oPayload = {
    sdkKey: sdkKey,
    mn: meetingNumber,
    role: 1,
    iat: iat,
    exp: exp,
    appKey: sdkKey,
    tokenExp: iat + 60 * 60 * 2

ZAK Token Endpoint: GET

how can I fix it?

Hi @omar.gharaibeh , were you able to successfully generate the signature? It’s just joining the meeting that is the issue?

Hi @gianni.zoom, yes I’m generating the signature and ZAK token but still have the same error

Hi @omar.gharaibeh ,

I apologize for losing track of this. Can you please confirm if you’re on the latest SDK version?

I am using latest Version in Web - v2.15.2.
but I can’t solve this issue.

Hi @mohammad.asheef , did you include “type=zak” as a query parameter when retrieveing zak token of the user?

Hii @gianni.zoom ,

yes, I did with including “type=zak” as query parameter while getting zak token.

but now, I am using zak token which generated via create meeting.

it’s working fine .

Hi @mohammad.asheef ,

Thanks for sharing your solution! Very helpful!

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