Granular Scopes - Missing team_chat:delete:batch_members


We’re currently using the API to batch remove members from a channel. However, we keep encountering the following response:

Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[team_chat:delete:batch_members]

In the App Marketplace, we have noticed that the list from which granular scopes are selected and added to the app does not include this particular granular scope.

Could anyone provide guidance on where we could find this scope or offer an alternative approach?

Thank you.

Hi @BriefingSource ,

Is this a new application you’ve created?

It is an Account level app and was created on Mar 25 12:17 PM UTC.
We could not find team_chat:delete:batch_members or team_chat:delete:batch_members:admin scope listed. Yet the API response mentioned team_chat:delete:batch_members is missing.

Hi @BriefingSource ,

It appears some of the granular scopes were not pushed to GA release, despite them being published to documentation. I believe they should be rolled out to development and production shortly, but I’m waiting for confirmation on the chat ones specifically (ZOOM-696701).


I’m getting similar issues trying to integrate our app with Team Chat API. Scopes declared in documentation simple doesn’t match or exist when trying to add them in our marketplace app. Even the scope inside the error message got from Zoom API also doesn’t exist. See error below:

    "code": 4711,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[team_chat:update:channel]."

The only option I see to continue with the API integration is trial and error on each request, but it is time consuming and very frustrating and there is no guarantee it will work as described in the documentation.

Am I forgetting something? My user has admin privileges and I selected all options in Team Chat scopes.

Thank you.

Hi @echodeveloper , see my response above yours.


Those scopes are not available for account-level apps yet. See this documentation.

@echodeveloper which type of app are you looking for those granular scopes? User level or account level? Can you confirm you see the granular scope listed for the app type you’re working with?