Granular scopes for Chat Report APIs not found

After the granular scope update, we have noted that granular scopes for
Zoom Team Chat API - report:read:list_chat_sessions:admin
Zoom Team Chat API - report:read:chat_session:admin
are not present in legacy oauth flow(or the general app flow).
Please resolve this asap as this is a blocker.

I’m having the same issue for multiple scopes. I’ve subscribed the app in the marketplace to all Team Chat scopes, but some of them simple doesn’t exist there.
Any ideas here? Am I missing some setting or permission in the admin side?
Is the granular scopes ready for production use? It seems that the Team Chat API is still under development and our client is charging us for a solution that can’t be delivered.

Thank you.

Can we get an update for this?

Hey, we are experiencing the same issue,
Is it some known bug? any opened ticket so we could track the fix?

We are also experiencing the same issue. Is there any update ?

Hi @paul.alba @Shield @npaul @echodeveloper , it is our understanding that they were available for May, but I just tested with a new app and am seeing the same behavior. I submitted a ticket for resolution (ZSEE-131430).


Thank you. do you know what is the ETA? we are facing the same issue.

Hi @amit.michael , waiting for confirmation from the relevant engineering team.

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Hi @gianni.zoom , where can I track the status of ZSEE-131430?

Hi @amit.michael , this is internal. I will share here when it’s deployed to production. It will also be in the developer changelog.

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Still waiting to be added to marketplace.

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hi @gianni.zoom , any news regarding ETA? thanks :slight_smile: :pray:

Hi @amit.michael , I just followed up for a concrete timeline.

Hello @gianni.zoom ! thanks a lot. I can see this permission as well and that’s great. I still cannot see the second permission though (report:read:chat_session:admin)
Can you please check if you see it ?

Hi @gianni.zoom

Thank you for the update. We can see the list_chat_sessions:admin permission but can’t seem to find report:read:chat_session:admin ?

Similar to what Amit is seeing.

Okay I’m seeing about report:read:chat_session:admin !

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Hello, @gianni.zoom , any news regarding the report:read:chat_session:admin permission? :slight_smile:

Hi @amit.michael , they are still waiting for confirmation from the development team about this specific scope report:read:chat_session:admin

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Hello @gianni.zoom , do we have an ETA for this permission?

Hi @amit.michael just followed up again to see if there is an updated timeline they can share.

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