Gray Boxes in shared content

Here is the problem: Getting gray color box in shared screen - windows SDK c# wrapper issue
It is just a gray box blocking shared content.

I don;t know how to find the version

I am experiencing this issue too.
If I am not mistaken the gray boxes correspond to windows that the speaker has and leaves open in front of his presentation.
These windows if i am not mistaken are the “floating meeting controls” and the “video panel” so, i believe that explaining the speakers to go to:
more>hide floating meeting controls And again more>hide video panel.
Someone could confirm that this could solve the problem once and for all? the Zoom support agent replied me that doesn’t know if this fix the problem, still, suggested me to let the speaker share just a portion of the screen or a file (previously saved in google drive for example). By the way I would like to know an easier way to solve it… seeing black boxes is really causing a lot of problems.

Hey @etr and @savage21,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

I believe this was fixed in an update to the SDK. Can you provide the SDK version you are using so that we can investigate?


I believe I have the most recent version of zoom, not sure where the SDK version is, can you tell me how to find it? the issue is still there. Sorry for not responding for so long, I completely forgot that I posted here. Also, I am using a new account because my other account cannot be logged in to for some reason

Hey @Anonymous123456,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Are you using the Zoom Windows SDK or the Zoom Windows Application?


I think the windows application.

Hey @Anonymous123456,

Gotcha, unfortunately this forum is for SDK developer questions only. However, the people over at Zoom Help Center should be able to assist you :slight_smile:


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