handleReturnToConfNotify does not get called when meeting is in MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING state

When meeting is in MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING state and when we click on the zoom default notification. handleReturnToConfNotify did not get called but it get called when meeting is in other state like MEETING_STATUS_IN_WAITING_ROOM.

Which version?
zoom version : v5.2.41727.0928

Hi @vishal02gaur, thanks for using our SDK.

This seems like expected behavior to me. When you are already in a meeting, there is no need to return to that meeting. Could you tell me a little bit more about your use case so that we may determine whether or not this should be changed?


i have 2 screen screenA and screenB. I am going from screenA to screenB. On screenB i am showing the video units. when i am pressing the back going to the screenA. Zoom meeting remain connected but i remove the video units.so i want when i press the notification i just want to launch screenB.

Hi @vishal02gaur, thanks for clarifying.

In this case, we would recommend leaving the meeting when the Activity or Fragment hosting the meeting UI is cleared from the stack. Leaving the device in the meeting without displaying the meeting UI may cause unexpected behavior for the end user, including erroneous data usage.


Hi @jon.zoom can u plz share what kind unexpected behavior end user may face. Because when we press the home button of mobile and app goes in background. In that state end user is also not able to see UI as well. UI and zoom are not coupled. And i am using custom not default. So we must have a zoom notification callback when we are in in MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING

Hi @vishal02gaur,

I don’t think I can provide any specific behavior that would be anything more than speculation. To put it another way, using the SDK in this manner (where the user is in a meeting but cannot interact with it) is not the way the SDK is intended to be used. For that reason, we cannot guarantee correct behavior since this is not a use case that we test.
