Having Crash while starting zoom class

Hi dolly.vaish,

Thanks for the reply. Based on the error message, it seems like our groupID is included somewhere in you code, please double-check the following position:

  1. Please do not directly include or import the MobileRTCSampleScreenShare broadcast upload extension
  2. In your SDK initialization, please set the appGroupId to be your own groupID(https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-ios/blob/master/MobileRTCSample/MobileRTCSample/SDKPresenters/how_to_init_auth_sdk/how_to_init_sdk/SDKInitPresenter.m#L25), if you do not have one, you can just leave it empty.
  3. In your broadcast upload extension, set the groupID to be your own groupID(https://github.com/zoom/zoom-sdk-ios/blob/master/MobileRTCSample/MobileRTCSampleScreenShare/SampleHandler.m#L28)

And thanks for sharing the crash report, based on the information provided in the crash report, it seems the crash is not from our SDK.

Hope this helps.Thanks