App Crash happens

Hi @carson.zoom

Happy Monday :slight_smile: We have started another new app and we are using zoom SDK for video calls. Currently I am facing some issues. Please check it below

  1. Meeting window not appeared while join the meeting
  2. App get crashed while host end the meeting .

Detailed Description:

  1. Meeting window not appeared while join the meeting
    • I am trying to join the meeting. I have the meeting ID. I used this code to join the meeting,

let paramDict = [
kMeetingParam_Username: AppConstants.ClassConstants.activeUserName,
kMeetingParam_MeetingNumber: AppConstants.ClassConstants.inComingCallMeetingID,
** ]**
let response: MobileRTCMeetError? = service?.joinMeeting(with: paramDict)

  • Meeting was created in zoom web app. I am trying to join the meeting from using my mobile.
  • I was joined the meeting and I did not get any error codes and also my mobile camera was showing my face and I can see my face in zoom web app. But the problem is, in mobile meeting window page not appeared. In other words, Meeting window page not opened but my mobile camera was start capturing my movements.
  • I don’t know why meeting window was not appeared. Please tell me if anything I am missing here OR is anything I need to update ?
  1. App get crashed while host end the meeting.

    • Take above scenario. I created meeting using web app and meeting started and participant joined via mobile using zoom SDK .
    • Now, I am the host and I am going to tap the end meeting button.
    • Now, in mobile side. I mean participant side. App get crashed. I could not get the crash report but I can see this error in my compiler view.

  • Each time app get crashed while host end the meeting. Please check it and share your thoughts :slight_smile:

My Device Configurations:

Zoom SDK --> [v4.4.56624.1028]
Mac Os --> Version 10.15.1 (macOS Catalina)
XCode --> 11.2.1
Device —> iPhone X
iOS —> 13.2.3

Thanks. Let me know your thoughts :slight_smile:

One More thing: I got issue in my compiler.

Cannot retrieve the container URL for the application group identifier . Make sure that it has been added to the entitlement.

I did not use any group IDs in my application and also I set this code in my appdelegate class.

let context = MobileRTCSDKInitContext()
context.domain = AppConstants.ZoomKeys.Zoom_Domain
context.enableLog = true
context.appGroupId = “”

@Carson. Please check it. I already referred this link --> Having Crash while starting zoom class

But no use of this. Still I am getting this error while join the meeting. What can I do now ?