Help embed zoom meeting with javascript cdn

Hey @lovenco0410,

If I understood your problem correctly, here is my analogy

Possible Reasons:

  1. The browser may block https (secure origin) calls from an insecure domain. An exception lies with localhost:
  2. By default localhost is considered to be a “secure domain”, to encourage testing of secured features on a test domain (like notifications, camera usage, microphone usage, geolocation usage, filesystem usage etc).
  3. These permissions will not run from an insecure domain with http:, and you need a VALID CERTIFICATE FOR THE SAME.
  • I run a public domain at both in http and https. I have tested some features actually are unstable with http:, but works fine with https:.

The ReCaptcha Issue

Please refer to this article:

A quote from the document

As of version 1.7.9, meeting participants might see a reCAPTCHA check to join meetings.
To ensure this check is working, run your application on port 80 or 443.
On successful join methods, participants might see a pop up modal with a reCAPTCHA check.
After participants successfully complete reCAPTCHA, they will enter the meeting.

Similar Topics:

Some ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID reports are here. Please refer:

Iframe Issue

And yes, as you mentioned iframe. Zoom does not promote anyway embedding meeting in an iframe. Hence they have a fully working WebSDK to use. Using that you can “EMBED” any ongoing meeting anywhere.

Possible Iframe Alternative

However to show a “LIVE FEED” of your meeting, without having to let participants be a part of it, you can use Live Streaming (Paid Feature). See these articles:

You will find this feature at:
Live Streaming of a meeting, source:

Also if you still need help regarding any more documentations:

  1. WEB SDK

  1. API

If you have any more problems or queries just feel free ask more, and I would be happy to help

Stay Safe and Happy Zooming!!
Best Wishes,
Anweshan (@anweshan)