Help for calling API with Pro account

Hello Team,

With developer account we have tested web SDK in angular & Meeting API.

Now we have purchased pro account.
Can you guide how we will move ahead with new account.

  1. From where we will get APP key & secret to create JWT token to access meeting API. If we access APP key & secret, is there any API to create token?
  2. If I have admin Key & secret can I create new meetings for all user using API?
  3. In Angular SDK, signature end point of application is https://****, With pro account what is signature end point URL. where we have to create this? What is the APP key ?

Is there Any steps to start communication with API & Web SDK with pro account?

Hi @patil.sagar, reference our documentation on creating a JWT App on the Marketplace. From here, you can get your API Key & Secret, used to authenticate and sign the Web SDK.

@michael.zoom Thanks for reply. Create JWT token is working now.

Can you help me for point no. 3. In Angular SDK, signature end point of application is https://****, With pro account what is signature end point URL. where we have to create this?

Hi @patil.sagar, the Angular sample app uses a Node app deployed to Heroku to generate a signature server-side.

We have a sample signature app which deploys to heroku. This is the signature endpoint referenced in the Angular sample app.

@michael.zoom, Thanks for reply. When we will have live environemt, in that case we have use same or is there any url for pro account user>

@patil.sagar this decision is entirely up to you, but we do recommend using your own hosted URL for production.