Hi Zoom, My Zoom Meeting SDK app stopped working.. It was working smoothly but the latest Zoom SDK 5.11.3 exits without showing any error or log.. Please help us regarding the issue

Hi Zoom, My Zoom Meeting SDK app stopped working… It was working smoothly but the latest Zoom SDK 5.11.3 exits without showing any error or log… Please help us regarding the issue.

Can you give us more info on the circumstances that the error occurs? Is it after a specific user action? Also what platform are you developing for?

Hello, same issue here.
I don’t have any log, just the state changes from connecting to disconnecting.
The issue happens both on iOS than on Android.
I use an SDK from last year… everything was working fine until 1-2 days ago.


@Progotan, @project.trogon,
Can you provide the steps to reproduce the behavior you are seeing? Also, it is important to note that log-in via user/email has been removed for SDK v 5.9 and above. If you have upgraded to the latest version of the SDK (5.11.3), you will need to add support for authorization and authentication using OAuth 2.0. See Create an SDK app and Supporting OAuth in your SDK app for details.

well, my application does not use any authentication of the user. It just uses a static password for the specific meeting.

What I see is that when a client joins the meeting we see the status passing to MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING, then immediately to MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING and finally to MEETING_STATUS_IDLE without joining the meeting.

To join the meeting we use (on Android):

                meetingService.JoinMeetingWithParams(Android.App.Application.Context, new JoinMeetingParams
                    MeetingNo = meetingID,
                    Password = meetingPassword,
                    DisplayName = displayName
                }, opts);

the meetingPassword variable contains the password that match the meeting password in the Zoom backend.


Hello, any news on this? Thanks!

have anyone tried this one, it seems to be updated but I can’t get it to work, I hope someone can get a sample app running using this

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